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January 31, 2016


Diane Clow

I loved this, and I am even more appreciative of Simone than before the read.

I am not a mountain sports girl (not a winter mountain sports girl, anyway) and it's taken me many years to be okay with that. The pressure to be one in Colorado is intense, particularly as the datable pool of men here are likely to be mountain sports men. I've experienced the dis-interest of men who (I think) discounted me for lack of this particular trait. But, I gotta be me. And I'm pretty great. :)

I now realize that the better guys for me have fellow winter mountain sports men to race down snowy terrain with. And they love me for my many, other -- yet equally (or more so) desirable -- traits.


So this is not a comment, but could not help offering the possibility that Simone should maybe have her vestibular functionality tested. This is the vestibular nerve going from each ear to the brain that is responabile for balance. When one side is deficient you can get this kind of falling when turning to one side thing, especially around NEW activity where the brain does not have it's compensation down yet. Also visual spatial dyslexia is associated with falls around new physical activity. It has nothing to do with words or numbers (and is in fact associated with high intelligence). But when learning new physical activity, either of these can result in the experiences that you shared here. So it would be helpful for someone with either of these conditions to learn using the same path over and over (like when she was learning to ride the bike, good column that I remember), to know that it might take longer for her than for others and why, how to handle the frustration, and also to have someone in front of her, facing front ALSO, for her to follow exactly without having to do visual math trying to emulate someone who is facing her, or having to improvise solo without someone there to just follow along. If she can then "feel" the flow of the ride rather than "look" at the path for navigation, the vestibular function that is available, kicks in. But for people with this condition fear of falling is real and not something they can control or prevent. Maybe more phycial activity designed to help this condition -- if she even has it -- before more scary activity is attempted, will help develop confidence around building athletic skills and overall self esteem. The typing with one finger you mentioned in one column, and approach to art with the drawing first and then coloring it in, also seem to point to maybe having this condition -- which most people have never heard of. This from someone who when learning to tie shoes, first made a mirror image of the pattern, then corrected to the desired pattern, resulting in four bows on each shoe, like a clover but two going in one way two going in the mirror reverse. Over time, the mirror image was not required as the brain compensated to only do the two the "right" way. But...yeah.

This activity might help
i think they have it at cherry creek athletic club
instructor faces forward, non impact, teaches body awareness, where you are in space

Hope this is helpful :)

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