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April 29, 2015


Rachel Carlson

Absolutely, positively, unequivocally...THIS.

Eric, I am and will always continue to read you...please don't stop. I am so relieved that your updates come directly to my inbox as I have been offline for my month of silence in April...THIS was impeccable timing.

That said, no need to enter me in a drawing since I do hope (insist, AHEM) to have dinner with you at some point when the stars align just right.

I simply wanted you to know that through your words and encouragement since my divorce I have gained a better knowledge of how life 'does' go on and that I can and will hold my held high. And I'm not in a rush to be in a relationship. WHEW.

Thank you for that. That is all.


p.s. I vote for a TV pilot. I know people, you let me know when you're ready.

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