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March 31, 2014



You inspire me Sir! I am honored to know you and please know you make this world a better place.

I believe I have taken for granted so many of the blessings the Amazing Lord has bestowed upon my life, you illustrate the importance of those blessings and that we need to love those close to us every day!

Thank you for sharing your journey with me! Godspeed!


This is a tribute both to your father, and to the son who wrote it about him. A brave, open and affecting recounting.
So true also, how empty or overwhelming "let me know if you need anything" can be to those it gets said to, and how support often comes from those we would never expect.

Truly beautifully written.

Mother of 4

What a wonderful son you were, and also what a wonderful father. I cried while reading this even though I don't know you.

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