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September 27, 2010


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Yet another excellent article, Eric. I know exactly what you mean, too. This time of year always makes me feel my "singleness" more than ever. With holidays, my birthday (turning 40 this one - ugh), and the perfect snuggle weather all within the coming months, it's hard to be okay with just being me sometimes.

Jay Palter

I enjoy your writing and share that melancholy feeling about September. But now that October is almost here, I'm starting to get over it.

The CNN piece was great - though the hosts couldn't have been more offensive about the topic, could they?

Anyway, keep up the good work.


Hey Eric,
How are you? I totally related to this post. I had a birthday in September, and I always feel a bit of panic at the end of summer...not wanting winter to arrive... plus I had this big challenging emotional move last week... got through it but...UGH! Here's my post about it:

Take care!

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