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May 12, 2010


Michelle Bar-Evan

Loved this month's 'Dating Dad'. Kudos to you!

Molly Block (@mollyblock)

What a poignant story, Eric.

Mazel tov to your cousins!

You and Simone will no doubt truly enjoy your upcoming trip. I'm sure there are many of us who look forward to hearing about your London adventures and experiences.

Prima Donna

Have a fantastic trip to London!


I remember his 'coming out' to me, too, and treasure the trust in that conversation. I also remember meeting Will for the first time, at Aunt Leslie's in Wilmington during one of her full-house, full-family brunches.

What I remember most vividly, though, was when they came stateside for our wedding in 1997 and how much fun it was to have everyone together. I wish I could be in London with all of you!

Aimee Greeblemonkey

Eric, I loved this, from beginning to end.


I admire you. My ex wouldn't even see Brokeback Mountain which is such a brilliant film. Your piece shows a lovely ability to be vulnerable and to open your heart.


PS: I found your site via Yvette...

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