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June 10, 2009



A passel of friends? Who says that? Your vocabulary is bigger than *insert single man anatomy comment here*.

Seriously though, your writing and your behavior is something I feel is continually impressive.

As one of your closer friends (I think!), it has been quite a journey following you as a passenger on your trip to happiness. I'm proud of the way you have handled yourself and I'm glad to be a part of your life.

I think your experience is helpful to us single men who have never been married. I often look to you for advice on pretty much anything dating related. Sometimes, I don't follow your suggestions. More often than not, your insight proves incredibly helpful to me and my own dating woes.

You're a good man, Dating Dad!


I had wondered some of this... and from this single mom fan to the currently 'Dating Dad' ... Thank you for sharing the single dad's perspective with the world and us single moms. I hope to be so fortunate to meet you as well, face to face, if for nothing more than to smother you in hugs from a kindred spirit.

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