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January 01, 2009



I'll drink too that - more funny dating stories in 2009, yah;-)!

Happy New Year!


T.S. Franklin

I admire your honesty in these posts, Eric. Hopefully, your honesty and self awareness will lead you to the right person.


And if in fact one of those, "Maybe she's good enough" comes your way in 2009, you have friends who care deeply for you and won't let you lead yourself astray.


Sometimes, even beauty and brains is not enough to create a spark.


Reading your posts is a delight probably because you've put into words what I've been going through for 6 years myself! There's a saying a friend of mine uses - Life is a journey to being naked - not meaning lack of clothing! Being willing to wait for the person who ticks all the boxes and at the same time living and loving your life is not something for the faint hearted, yet anything less is suicidal. I look forward to reading more and one day congratulating you on finding what only appears to be elusive just now.

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