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November 03, 2008


Denise Smith

I couldn't have read this on a better day! With big crocodile tears in my eyes, I am going to hold you to your word that it's only the beginning-that life is-just starting! As I walk around feeling completely disoriented and hoping that I haven't and won't completely ruin my kiddos life, I look to you for inspiration! Thanks for the words and for proving that being a single parent is ok 99% of the time.

Gretchen - LifeStyle Denver

Hi Eric,

As a formerly single Mom and also one of those friends in your "ambient awareness," I enjoyed this reflective article and was sorry to hear about your sister. You know, when my former husband and I divorced, my son was 18 months old. I was completely at sea, looking for a new home, a new job and raising a toddler all at the same time.

I vaguely remember those days and weeks as a roller coaster of anger, grief, leaning on friends and Tequila Sunrises.

My son is now 14, and he's completely awesome. He adjusted to our new life because that's what he knew, and I never made it about his dad in front of him. I adjusted because that's what time helps you do. You move on to become a different person and a better person.

Your sister will be ok, but only with the time we've all had to heal and reflect.

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