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May 13, 2007



Great post. You touch me, and for the record, last week was the first time in five years I was able to spend Mother's Day with my mother. Priceless.


Sherry Hickman

Hi Eric,
I work with your mother and I am one of the people she forwards your column to. I enjoy ready every one of them. I realize this response is late but just found out a couple of days ago when she brought in your article in reader's digest why I wasn't able to pull up this article so she told me to go to your web site and read it, and of course being a mom it made me cry. She is so very proud of you. And your right your mom is a wonderful person and we are all lucky to have her in our life. Be patient and that Mrs Right will come your way and just from what I read she will be lucky to have you.

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