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February 14, 2014


Peter Hodges

Big virtual hug. Hang in there.

Jerae Knutson

I would hug you in person, if I could.


Another warm, sensitive column.

Leslie Picker

Sending warm and loving hugs your way. Love you! Aunt Leslie

Trisha Lindeman

Thinking of you. I love your hugs, they are truly the best and make me feel special each and every time.

Richard Schuh

This made me laugh ( no grinding ) pulled me close to a tear ( for your Father) but most of all left me with a strong admiration for your amazing ability to write.

Be well Eric
Love Kelly and Richard Schuh

Lala Tru

Why are you not there with him?...hugging him? I am a hospice nurse and I am amazed at how many parents die, without there children, by their side. If it was the other way around,the parent would never leave their child's side. But yet you will continue to write about all the places you will travel for leisure.

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