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February 12, 2010


Kate Silvertooth

Lovely. There is surely mass swooning all around you. ;)

Ultimately, we who are still waiting,
when we find each other (again)
we will have the last laugh on Time -
and its tricky Timing.


The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,
they're in each other all along.


Simply lovely open letter.


Simply pure, beautiful, open. It made me weep. You express everything that is in my heart to say, yet, with all of my education, teaching, writing, reading, and life experience, I have not yet found the words. Thank you for being bold, for reminding me that such love is possible.


Wow! I am speechless...doesn't happen very often! <3


May your heart's longing be fulfilled.

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