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July 31, 2007



Dudesicle. I know he's SUPER quiet, but your step-father was there, too.


Yes, it's true. My mother's husband Reg was there too, laying low, reading his book, letting the family do its crazy, huggy thing around him.


Long comment, but here it goes:

You’ve brilliantly pegged us girls absolutely. When my daughter got her first period a few weeks ago, I took her and all of the women in my family to the Brown Palace for High Tea for a little Coming of Age ceremony (us gentiles have so few ceremonies). I had each present her with a red bead that I made into a bracelet for her and with that bead, give her some bit of wisdom now that she is a young woman, it captured that “girl energy” perfectly. What I told her that day is that it is quite something special to be born a girl, because we have relationships with each other than are unlike any other, that though she will meet thoughtful, wonderful, supportive men, it is the women in her family and the friends who will become her family who will be the ones to truly understand and share in her joys and sorrows, laugh with her and cry with her.

Now as she grows and learns about the world and who she is in it, boys then men will become important teachers in how to love, and of course, it is fathers who model for their daughters how they should be loved by the men in their lives. Like the John Mayer song says….”Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do….” Simone is lucky to have a father that honors her “girlness” and will ensure her exposure to that particular power and energy.


Another month is gone, and another column is written......and another one that I can relate too as if you were sitting next to me as I deal with life.

My daughter, Hannah is FULL of girl energy...a mom and two teenage sisters, and with her being 3, she has already become quite the young lady. And I have known for some time now, no matter how much I would like to be her savior, and the fixer of all things gone wrong for her.....she will always need the women in the family to be there and make her who she is. Thanks again for being able to write in a way that makes all of us loyal readers realize we are not alone, and all of the little things that we all question each day are universal.

be well my friend....

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